Home Improvement Specialists - Arthurs Point (9371) (9371)

Queenstown, the Otago Region

Best match results for home improvement specialists in Arthurs Point (9371) + 5km.

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    We make sure you have the best chance of getting the loan you need. We'll get the very best deal on that loan and put it together so it works for you (not the bank) and then we'll show you how to get rid of it! We keep the bank honest! Read more

    Designing Queenstown in 3D since 2005. We are experienced in new homes, significant alterations, commercial buildings, challenging steep sites, historic buildings, new houses of worship and even spacecraft for the film industry. Using our team of trusted contractors and consultants we offer a turn-key solution of homes up to Passivhaus standard and have collaborated in development projects between $10m in NZ & $100m offshore, working with other architects and consultants as necessary. If you... Read more

    Architectural design and draughting. New builds. Alterations. Specialising in high performance housing. Read more

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