Mouldings Architraves and Skirting
Best match results for mouldings architraves and skirting in New Zealand + 5km.
We Provide a service to the renovation market for period and heritage homes and buildings. We stock or can source many MOULDINGS, Weatherboard, Architraves, Skirting or Scotia to finish older homes where customers want to restore their homes to their former glory. Based in Wellington, we can source a range of wood types especially native timbers such as Rimu, Matai,Tawa or Beech. These may be as recycled or new product and if new is subject to milling conditions in force at the time. NZ practices... Read more
We sell new and secondhand goods for the home handyman and professionals alike. Good range of timber and ply, Australian hardwood sleepers, retaining timber, aluminium windows and doors, ranchsliders and french doors, roofing iron and clearlite, ceiling tiles, lighting and hardware, new and secondhand vanities, showers, baths, toilets, kitchens, random furniture. We manufacture dog kennels, pet enclosures, planter boxes and shed doors. If we don't have it we'll point you in the right direction with... Read more