- 201 Jervois St, Mayfair (4122), Hawkes Bay Region
- 2-5 km from Saint Leonards (4120)
- Business can travel to you
- Awards: #14 Most Popular in the Hawkes Bay Region for 2024
Appliance Repair & Installation Specialists - Saint Leonards (4120) (4120)
Saint Leonards, Hastings, the Hawkes Bay Region
Best match results for appliance repair & installation specialists in Saint Leonards (4120) + 5km.
We have been part of Hawke's Bay Electrical Contractors for over 30 years. Home renovations, new builds, stove & hot water repairs, lighting upgrades. House rewires. Just ask the question!. We cover all of Hawkes Bay area and also offer maintenance contracts for Industrial and Commercial. data cabling and security lights and sensors. LED light upgrades for great cost savings on your electric bill. Lighting reports for how bright your work space is. House need to be checked for old rubber cabling?... Read more
- Please call us for enquiries, Hastings (4122), Hawkes Bay Region
- 2-5 km from Saint Leonards (4120)
- 211 Heretaunga St, Hastings (4122), Hawkes Bay Region
- 2-5 km from Saint Leonards (4120)
- 803A Maraekakaho Rd, Camberley (4120), Hawkes Bay Region
- 2 km from Saint Leonards (4120)
- Please call us for enquiries, Mayfair (4122), Hawkes Bay Region
- 2-5 km from Saint Leonards (4120)
- 716 Karamu Rd, Hastings (4122), Hawkes Bay Region
- 2-5 km from Saint Leonards (4120)
Other related businesses in and around Saint Leonards (4120) (within 20km)
- 118 St Georges Rd, Hastings (4122), Hawkes Bay Region
- 5-10 km from Saint Leonards (4120)
- 12 Wakefield St, Onekawa (4110), Hawkes Bay Region
- 10-20 km from Saint Leonards (4120)
- Please call us for enquiries, Taradale (4112), Hawkes Bay Region
- 10-20 km from Saint Leonards (4120)
- 67A Austin St, Onekawa (4110), Hawkes Bay Region
- 10-20 km from Saint Leonards (4120)
- 305 Hastings St, Napier South (4110), Hawkes Bay Region
- 10-20 km from Saint Leonards (4120)